Saturday, January 23, 2010

cardio health

Well, another study has just come out showing the benefits of omega 3 (fish oil). of course there are many quality levels of fish oil. the seas are becoming increasingly polluted. i use a fish oil that is from deep cold waters, and then triple molecular distilled, which increases the concentration of beneficial EPA and DHA, and other omega 3 fatty acids, while removing all imputities. This latest study shows that the omega3 is helpful with maintaining healthy weight. it appears to also help with heart health and joint health and immunity to disease. I like the idea that something so natural has so many benefits. So many people turn to drugs. Nature has so much to offer. Most drugs , have side effects, to put it mildly.Tthere are things in nature that can help keep bad cholerstorol down, good cholesterol up, and that act as natural antinflammatories, etc. One of the best ways to address health care, is to build health instead of looking for drugs to solve problems created by poor diet and other destructive habits. If Americans would just become more health conscious and healthy, it will go a long way towards saving America. Epidemics of obesity, heart disease ,diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, and even mental health problems are costing hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars. Keep in mind that what is called health care is really sick care, for the most part. Health is for the most part not ever going to be derived from drugs. Nutrition, exercise, attitude, laughter, prayer, friendship, etc . Health is built from the basic building blocks of life . But there is more to it. Drugs are usually just a lazy persons , ill-informed way , pushed by drug companies and doctors People turn to drugs to "solve " problems, when it is my estimate that they cause more problems then they solve. There are exceptions. Nutrition does things for and with the body. Drugs do things to the body. So, please, consider that maybe it is worth looking at what nature has to offer. That is the purpose of this blog. to share information about good things and to share testimonials.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

global warming/pollution/go green

Whether you believe that global warming is real or not, pollution is very real. Burning fossil fuel and creaing trillions of plastic bottles that take virtually forever to degrade,are things that contribute to making our world a polluted place.
One can filter water right at home, eliminating the need to transport water in gas guzzling trucks that pollute with emissions and increase the use of fossil fuel. Water is very heavy. We have water already at our taps. Water filtering at home can save on both emissions from trucks, and those created in the manufacture of plastic water bottles by billions or trillions. This is one way that we have to pass along a healthier planet to future generations. Stop buying bottled water. It is an environmental menace. while some people do recycle plastic bottles, many people do not. Reducing their usage to begin with is the best solution.
Another way that we can go green and contribute to a healthier planet is to use biodegradable and concentrated cleaning products. By concentrating the products ,less weight and fewer plastic bottles are created. It also saves you money. Shipping water costs money . Most products are primarily water and in many cases full of nasty chemicals as well that also add to pollution. Another consideration is the contribution to disease that all these pollutants are making.
Going green with water and with cleaning products are simple , inexpensive ways to make a difference in the environment and to save money a the same time. It is a completely win win situation. Two drops of Basic H in a pint sized spray bottle will perform as well or better than any window cleaner for example at a cost of about five cents. Purifying your water at home saves a lot of money taking the cost of water from dollars to pennies per gallon.
Whether you believe that the planet is warming or not, we all know that pollution, excessive and unnecessary use of fossil fuel, and tons of unnecessary waste filling landfills, is something that each and every person can do something about. Join us please. Thank you.
Also, come see our latest info at

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Researchers are continuing to look at the science of anti-aging. Many nutrients , phytochemicals from nature, show great promise. A class of anti-oxidants known as polyphenols is one that is being studied all over the world. Resveratrol is one of these. Combining several polyphenols has the potential to significantly slow down several key mechanisms of aging,and may well also reduce incidence of disease. Much research is still to be done, but much has already been done. Good health and longevity are two things that many people seek. Of course there are also many sceptics and those who just don't care. There is no doubt in my mind that nature has a wealth of good things to offer. We all know it has terrible things to offer as well. Especially if you consider earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc, to be a part of nature. It is easy to see the ways in which nature kills. If one is open to it, I assure you that nature also has things that heal, and prevent illnesses.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Cancer Fighting Foods

Here is a very nice list of cancer -fighting foods. just thought some of you might find it interesting.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Immune System

What is the immune system? While I am not an expert on the immune system, i do know that it is an army of cells. There are different kinds of cells and cells that can communicate with other cells. There are substances such as interferon that are involved with the immune response. We must realize that each and every day our bodies are constructing many millions of new cells. Some of these cells are for hair and skin. Some are red blood cells , some are white blood cells. Some are called t-cells and some are called macrophages and described as being like pac-man cells.
When something such as an invading virus or bacteria or cancer cell, triggers an immune response, then existing cells are called to action but also new cells are constructed. So, the question then becomes, constructed from what?
For any cell to be constructed, all the necessary ingredients must be present, and present at the same time. This construction requires protein, in particular the building blocks of protein, called amino acids. This process is guided by DNA and RNA ,guided by genetic instruction. To build cells, one needs fatty acids, such as omega 3, and others, vitamins, minerals, and cofactors such as enzymes , and water.
to build healthy cells of any kind, one needs healthy building blocks. It would seem logical to consider the bioactivity, or quality of the building blocks.The heat of cooking could feasibly destroy or degrade the usefullness or "life force" of the building blocks.
In order to have a healthy immune system, diet is of the highest importance. For most people and given the ways that food is grown with chemicals, processed, chemicalized again and often cooked to death, quality supplements that guarantee the delivery of vital nutrients is something that should merit serious consideration. Another thing to give considerable thought to is the procurement of organically grown food . Cooking methods that retain as much nutrient as possible will also contribute to wellness. There is an old saying that a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. In considering your immune system and your wellness in general,have you given enough thought to what weak links there may be in your health process, such as in the building of immune system cells?

Disease Control

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Over the years I have read very many articles and summaries of numerous research results from reliable and prestigious Universities. Volumes of research papers point to countless opportunities to reduce risk of getting cancer, heart disease and other killers. I believe that much of all disease is preventable. I am convinced that not enough is being said about the power of prevention and what the opportunities are. We must also tackle the issue of getting people to care enough to take such preventive measures. I firmly believe that the best cure for approximately 70% of all disease is to not get the disease to begin with. In other words, prevention, prevention, prevention. While we do need to seek out cure we absolutely have to focus on PREVENTION!